Elfsea Springfaire
2000 Photos

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Images on this page provided by Lord Dragonetti.

tsf00-01.jpg 3.3Ktsf00-11.jpg 2.9K To the left, Eoghan MacCinead (blue hat) of Dragonsfire Tor gives these gentles instruction before they try the hand at knife throwing as seen at right.

tsf00-12.jpg 3.2Ktsf00-14.jpg 3.4K At left, Lady Cassandra Palfrey demonstrates why Lord William Palfrey (seen at right) is so well behaved. Harumph.


tsf00-03.jpg 3.1Ktsf00-05.jpg 3.4K At left, Lord Artair Macmora draws for distance during the Clout Shoot. At right, Her Majesty Kayleigh, assisted by Kevin Hepburn, graced the Chivalric field while handing out chocolate covered strawberries to the participants.

tsf00-04.jpg 3.7Ktsf00-06.jpg 3.9K On the left, Lord Lew and this newcomer from Dragonsfire Tor are the lucky receipiants of Her Majesty's generosity. The image at right had to be included, but no description of mine could possibly do it justice. :)

tsf00-07.jpg 4.0Ktsf00-08.jpg 4.0K At left, Aria shows Sir Karl de Ganger the forced required to slice up all those oranges, while Lady Afan licks her wounds from wielding her knife to liberally. At right, Elfsea's Knight Marshal, Lord Virgil inspects Lady Eleanor before the chivalric list.

tsf00-09.jpg 4.2Ktsf00-10.jpg 5.9K At left, Seated next to His Majesty, King Alaric, Baron Llywellyn & Baroness Xene enjoy a final day of tournaments as landed nobles. To the right, there's Lord Jareth sporting some very attractive armor.

tsf00-15.jpg 2.9Ktsf00-16.jpg 3.4K On the left, first is Benedict Ashton, then 'Lord' Duncan Hepburn (who joined the ranks of the White Scarves later that evening) is in red, standing next to Lord Valentyne Drake. Next is Avery Shaw, and in green (help?), and Honourable Lady Isobel is in violet. To the right, Lord Valentyne likes to get his way, or is he just juggling with a friend?

tsf00-17.jpg 3.3K Don Robert, Dona Antonia and ?

PLEASE send corrections or more detailed descriptions to Armand Dragonetti.

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