Autumn Melees
November 1999 Photos

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First 2 photos provided by Master Richard Fairbourne.

At left, Mistress Cassilda and Sir Timo help put on Lady Allyson's yellow belt while becoming Master Karl de Ganger's protege. On the right, Master Karl presents his new protege, Lady Allyson to the populace during evening court.

Photos in this section provided by Armand Dragonetti.

On the left, Sir William the Bear provides his own original white belt to Centurian/Don Miguel at his knighting ceremony. On the right, with the thrice touch of His Majesty Daffydd's blade, SIR Miguel becomes Ansteorra's newest member of the Chivalry. VIVAT! VIVAT! VIVAT!

At left, Sir Miguel has just received his last unanswered blow from His Majesty. (His Majesty's blow came so quickly, it could not be captured.) At right, Sir Miguel receives a genuine 'Bear' hug from his brother, Sir William as Sir Wilhelm prepares to give his welcome.

On the left, we see the potent effects of gargoyle spit on Sir Timo, (who would never harm poor Dragonetti for capturing this moment. Right?) On the right, St. Nick, er, Count Gunthar has apparently found the gargoyle spit as well.

On the left, Theign Duncan dons Baroness Xene's hat in a bit of cross dressing. At right, the Mahadi ride was a popular attraction at this memorable celebration in the Porto camp. 

Sir Miguel is joined by Her Grace, Willow, who provided this exquisit center piece (as well as other decor) in Miguel's yurt where his vigil had been held the night before.

Photos in this section provided by Lord Charles de Bourbon.

On the left, Her Majesty Octavia, lovely as ever in this wonderful dress. On the right, Mistress Charla Noel du
Lac with her apprentice, Lord Charles.


PLEASE send corrections or more detailed descriptions to Armand Dragonetti.

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