Elfsea Springfaire
1999 Photos

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On the left, the event steward's Lady Ceinwen ferch Rhoul and Lady Tanwyn Aniera who did an outstanding job with this event. On the right, Julianna MacClain receives Ansteorra's Rising Star from Her Majesty Sara Penrose.

At left, Ameline du Bois and Siobhan O'Neil receive their Award Of Arms from Her Majesty. At right, Sigrid NormansDottir receives her Award Of Arms as well.

These images were provided by Lord Daniel Stewart.

On the left, His Travesty (who stepped down on Sunday) serves hard time in the stock as Lord William Palfrey takes advantage and the Captain of Elfsea's baronial guard (Ld. Connor na Mara) is pleased with a successful arrest. On the right, ........hey,....... he's no Fool.

Images provided by Lord Armand and Lady Ameline.

At left, Daniel Stewart gives his oath of fealty to Sir Galen of Bristol as HL Allesandre prepares his squire's red belt. On the right, Armand Dragonetti also squires to Sir Galen who's household grew exponentially this day.

At left, Her Majesty has returned to the field for an impromptu court and presents Daniel and Armand with their Award Of Arms. On the right, Don Miguel watches closely as her Majesty offers a hug to Lord Armand & Lord Daniel.

Moments after squiring to Sir Galen of Bristol and receiving his AoA, Lord Armand is served with a warrant for his arrest by the Captain of Elfsea's Baronial Guard, Ld. Connor na Mara (in green), for the crime of 'Public Envy'. While Connor was prepared to pay for Armand's release, Her Majesty Sara returned once more to the field and tore up the warrant, granting a Royal Pardon on the spot! (Though I was already, I am again indebted to Her Majesty and forever at her disposal.)

At left, Lord Dragonetti and Sir Alaric Drake face off in the Consort's Ransom Tourney. While on the right, apparently energized by the morning activities, Armand surprises the marshal (and new squire brother), Ld. Hengist, by defeating Sir Drake. (Sir Drake has been instrumental in training Armand up to this point.)

On the left, Lord Fearghus MacKenna and Lord Daniel Stewart prepare to lay on. At right, Centurion Timotheous and Thegn (Baron) Duncan engage in a prolonged battle marshaled by Sir Galen.

At left, Lord Dermott stands his ground in this heated battle for his lady. On the right, Lady Elizabeth Hawkwood (in the red Chirurgeon's sash) looks on as fellow Chirurgeon Lord Caelin one Andred defends against Centurian Tor's attack.

On the left, Centurion Timo has made it to the final round and stands with his hostage consorts. On the right, Master Pepin proves victorious in the end and stands with all the lovely consort's that participated this day. Vivat, Master Pepin!

At left, Alex (in the kilt) and Austin of Elfsea before Saturday evening court. At right, Baroness Xene presents Virgil with his Award Of Arms (as Moerick von Altenhaus).

On the left, that's Lord Raimond giving his Sable Crane to Baron Llywelyn Gruffydd who has just received this award from Her Majesty. On the right, Lord Darius of the Bells receives an Iris of Merit. Vivat! There were many, many more awards, including the Laureling of Lady Raisa and the first recipients of the new Azure Grail of Elfsea to HL Mara of Rede and Mistress Reginleif RagnarsDottir. If you have photos from this event please send them. And to all of you who make life so good in Elfsea, VIVAT!

PLEASE send corrections or more detailed descriptions to Armand Dragonetti.

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