Lindenwood's Mid-Summer Ball
2000 Photos

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Images on this page provided by Lady Ameline du Bois and Lord Armand Dragonetti.

tlw00-24.jpg 2.6Ktlw00-25.jpg 2.5KOn the left, Arthur and Guinevere congratulate the winner of the children's mask competition. On the right, Lady Layla was one of the winners of the adult mask competition and was noted for her unique presentation.

tlw00-26.jpg 2.8Ktlw00-27.jpg 3.6KAt left, Baroness Catrin was also a winner in the mask competition for her exceptional butterfly mask. This taken while Her Excellency danced about court to display her mask, at King Arthur's request. At right, if you look closely, you'll see a better shot of Baroness Catrin's butterfly mask.

tlw00-30.jpg 3.7Ktlw00-31.jpg 2.8KTo the left, Alex & Austin of Elfsea were both named Princes of the ball and bowed appropriately (and without prompting or coaching I might add) when they approached King Arthur & Lady Guinevere. To the right, I believe Ashley was named the Princess of the ball and was also recognized for her exceptional mask. The judges had been unaware that Ashley had hand-made her own mask.

tlw00-32.jpg 2.2Ktlw00-34.jpg 3.3KOn the left, a shot of Ashley and her mask. On the right, the title of King & Queen of the Ball deservedly went to Lord Phillip White and Lady Elin the Timid for their wonderful dances and costumes. Donning their masks most of the evening, they switched costumes midway through the ball, adding even more to this entertaining evening!

tlw00-35.jpg 3.2Ktlw00-37.jpg 3.5KAt left, Sir Bors (Centurion Airaklee Wolf) was honored as having best exemplified the virtues of chivalry among the Knights of the Round Table over the course of the evening. At right, Lady Guinevere and Merlin portrayed their parts marvelously. Vivat!!
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