Guardians of the Tor XI
June 2002 Photos

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Images on this page provided by Lord Armand Dragonetti.

tdt02-01.jpg 3.3Ktdt02-02.jpg 4.4K At left,  lovely event site, with the Brazos River behind the trees on the left. At right, this permanent pavilion made an excellent setting for feast as well as court.

tdt02-03.jpg 4.3Ktdt02-08.jpg 4.5K On the left, Sir Romanius, Sir Miguel and ?? discuss the day's contest over a cool drink. At right, Sir Corwin instructs a promising boffer fighter.

tdt02-10.jpg 4.5Ktdt02-12.jpg 4.5K At left, Baron Daniel and Baroness Siobhan preside as evening court is opened. At right, Lord Antigones held Elfsea's Bardic competition which saw Don Llywellyn emerge as Elfsea's Titled Bard. Don Llywellyn had the distinction of serving as Titled Bard for both Elfsea and Dragonsfire Tor simultaneously. At least for a few hours until the Tor's Bardic competition would determine a new Bard a bit later in the evening.

tdt02-15.jpg 4.6Ktdt02-17.jpg 3.3K On the left, on behalf of the crown, Baron Daniel hands down an Award of Arms to this member of Dragonsfire Tor. On the right, Baron Fritz encourages the populace to come support his barony at Steppes Artisan in August.

tdt02-22.jpg 3.7Ktdt02-27.jpg 3.8K At left, this observer was very well behaved and added a wonderful splash of color to court. At right, Lord Key Connor, capturing memories as he does at so many events.

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