Battle of 3 Kings
The Great Schism: Battle of 3 Popes
November 2001 Photos

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Images on this page provided by Lady Ameline du Dubois and Lord Armand Dragonetti.

tTK01-01.jpg 2.7KtTK01-06.jpg 4.1K Welcome to the Battle of Three Popes. To the right, stylish even in armor, Her Majesty Larissa joined Her armies for a day of battles.

tTK01-11.jpg 3.0KtTK01-10.jpg 3.3K The Fray and friends muster on one end of the field, while enemy forces make preparations on the other.

tTK01-13.jpg 3.0KtTK01-18.jpg 4.7K At left, it begins as a spear duel at the Bridge Battle. And ends up at right, as an opportunity for Lady Eleanor to pick up guys.

tTK01-07.jpg 3.8KtTK01-19.jpg 3.0K At left, there's several Fraymen on the left, Baron Fritz in gold & red standing next to Mistress Stella, commander of the Arthurians this year. At right, Master Richard Fairborne's household grows as Lady Siobhan becomes his newest protégé.

tTK01-21a.jpg 2.6KtTK01-46a.jpg 3.2K At left, Prince Aaron & Princess Britta address the populace. At right, the proud parents, Queen Larissa & King Duncan also have words for Their subjects.

tTK01-26.jpg 2.8KtTK01-24a.jpg 2.8K At left, the populace looks on as they wait to learn of the day's outcome. On the right, the Pope and 2 anti-popes are seated. From left to right is: Sir Galen/Pope Gregory XII, Sir Ulsted/John XXIII and Sir Emrys/Benedict XIII. As in history, Pope Gregory's forces won out. In this case, due in large part to the army of service providers & artisan's mustered on Gregory's behalf.

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