Glaslyn's Defender of the Flame
March 2003 Photos

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Images on this page provided by Lord Armand.

tgdf03-01.jpg 4.1Ktgdf03-02.jpg 4.2K The populace gathers for court after a fun-filled day of fighting. At right, the new Chivalric Defender, Centurion Virgil.

tgdf03-03.jpg 2.7Ktgdf03-04.jpg 4.1K At left is Lord Tomas Naillagain. At right, Their Majesties, King Miguel and Queen Conal join Their Excellencies, Baron Frederick and Baroness Caitrin to begin evening court.

tgdf03-06.jpg 2.8Ktgdf03-07.jpg 3.1K The Ladies of Glaslyn gather to name their Chivalric, Rapier and Archery Keepers of the Flame. At right, Lord Alastair ran the heavy list and is recognized for his exceptional service to Glaslyn and this event.

tgdf03-09.jpg 3.2Ktgdf03-10.jpg 2.9K Lady Gerita prepares a scroll for the next worthy to be recognized by the Ladies of Glaslyn. At right, Baron Fritz was named Chivalric Keeper of the Flame.

tgdf03-14.jpg 3.8Ktgdf03-16.jpg 3.8K At left, Jacques the Spinx is the new Archery Defender! At right, Don Edward Mercer is the new Rapier Defender!

tgdf03-17.jpg 3.9Ktgdf03-19.jpg 3.5K Centurion Virgil is the new Chivalric Defender! At right, Their Majesties seemed to truly have a wonderful time!

tgdf03-21.jpg 3.6Ktgdf03-23.jpg 3.7K The autocrat, Master Airaklee Wolf, is recognized and thanked for a "masterful" event. At right, Lord Jacques le Spinks appears yet again in court, this time to receive the King's Arche.

tgdf03-24.jpg 2.6Ktgdf03-25.jpg 3.2K At left is Lady Roana FitzStephen. At right, Lord Lothar Wildehaer receives a comet for service to the canton.

tgdf03-28.jpg 2.9K

Master Airaklee receives a comet as well.

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